What is the Cyber Security Awareness Squad?

The Cyber Squad is a committee within CISO that engages in cybersecurity outreach education by visiting a variety of different communities such as elementary schools, high schools, young adults, employees, and senior citizens.

The Cyber Squad Mission Statement:

To raise awareness regarding the importance of cyber security and promote good hygiene to members of our surrounding community.

Cyber Hygiene Habits

Through various outreach events, the Squad encourages attendees to practice the following habits:

  1. Keep Private Information PRIVATE
  2. Think before you click
  3. Look for the S in HTTPS
  4. Update software regularly
  5. Be cautious with email
  6. Change passwords regularly
  7. Create complex passwords
  8. Be cautious with free wifi
  9. Log out of all accounts
  10. Spread awareness to others

Benefits as a squad member:

  • Strengthen your public speaking/presentation skills
  • Gain experience leading projects and events
  • Participate in community service
  • Networking opportunities with university officials
  • Improve your own cyber security hygiene!
  • Opportunities to grow and gain hands-on experience in your areas of interest

Additional Resources:

Follow us on social media


Visit our lab

Located in JB122
5500 University Pkwy
San Bernardino, CA 92407

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