National Cyber League

NCL Logo

National Cyber League is one of the organization's most participated in cyber competitions. Each year members enlist to participate, and each year those who put a little effort into the league leave saying that NCL was a great experience.

NCL gives competitors access to security training labs that help prepare students for the challenges offered on competition days. This allows players to use the "gym" environment to develop heir skills and then demonstrate them in the competitive "stadium" environment that NCL offers.

The barrier-to-entry for NCL is pretty much non-existent with a low $20 entry fee. Organization leadership usually encourages all members to participate for the experience that NCL offers.

The official mission of NCL is provide an ongoing virtual training ground for collegiate students to develop, practice, and validate their cybersecurity skills using next-generation high-fidelity simulation environments. offer engaging, entertaining, measurable, and scalable methods of learning to enlist a new generation of cybersecurity professionals, which is accomplished in the following ways:

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Located in JB122
5500 University Pkwy
San Bernardino, CA 92407

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